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Should power lie with the people?

Dr Amelia Morris, Lecturer in Criminology, explores the topic - should power lie with the people?

Should the power lie with the people?

“Well yes it should, and I think what's interesting is that in the literal translation of democracy is will of the people, but what we've got I don't think power lies with the people. I'd say that paralyse with corporations and I think we have a situation where power is concentrated into the hands of a few people and this means that to kind of follow what the great Noam Chomsky says is that we have what is known as a mass media machine where an our consent is manufactured and what he means by that is that because we've got a situation where there's such a massive gap between these few people who are billionaires and the rest of us that are the narratives that construct society is in line with the interests of these elites.”

How does this issue relate to what students will learn?

“I think the way that power operates is at the heart of politics and I think that when you go into political job that is essentially what you know a very very broad definition of what you will be doing is considering the way that power is operating.

And either changing the way that power is operating or trying to re hand power back into people's hands essentially. Wherever you sit on the political spectrum depends on how you see power in a sense and so I think what's good at The University of Law is that because we've got such a range of experts like we've got people that have worked as lawyers. We've got people who are criminologists. We've got people who sociologists and then we've got people from a kind of straight political scientist backgrounds, but all those different perspectives will give you a really eclectic and interesting study of politics.”


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